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Autocad .dwg file - VERTICAL STIFFENER -  Pegasus Q19 Glass Block at I Intermediate Vert Support in Multiple Horizontal Panels-Detail
Autocad .dwg file - VERTICAL STIFFENER - Pegasus Q19 Glass Block at Hidden Intermediate Vertical Support in Multiple Horizontal Panels-Detail
Autocad .dwg file - VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT - Pegasus Q19 Glass End Block - Linear Free Standing Wall
Autocad .dwg file - SILL with 45 min Fire Rated Glass Block in Metal-Wood Stud or Concrete Wall

JAMB - 45 min Fire Rated Glass Block in Metal-Wood Stud or Concrete Wall

Autocad .dwg file - JAMB - 45 min Fire Rated Glass Block in Metal-Wood Stud or Concrete Wall.

Seves Glass Block Safety Glazing Exemption

MSDS - SEVES Expansion Foam

MSDS-Universal Spacers

MSDS - SEVES White Edge Coating


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