VETROPIENO™ Solid Glass Brick
Interplay of light and color
Vetropieno™ is a 100% solid glass brick that combines the appeal of traditional brick with the transparency of glass.
Clear & Neutro
Yellow & Orange
Unlike traditional glass block products that are hollow, Vetropieno™ creates visual effects from deep within the block, adding luminosity, movement and a mesmerizing beauty to the usual properties of traditional glass block. Vetropieno™ is spectacular for both interior and exterior designs where the unique qualities of the material are highlighted. Vetropieno is perfect for making a statement piece and adding a WOW factor to your next project.
Actual Sizes:
Installed Weight:
Pieces per Square Foot:
Heat Transmission U-Value (BTU/hr ft2 °F):
Thermal Resistance R-value (hr ft2 °F/BTU):
Winter night values. To calculate instantaneous heat gain through
glass panels, see ASHRAE HANDBOOK OF FUNDAMENTALS, 2005,
Section 31.3.
Privacy: Visible Light Transmission: Shading Coefficient: Sound Transmission S.T.C. (dB): Solar Heat Gain Coefficient:
Privacy: Visible Light Transmission: Shading Coefficient: Sound Transmission S.T.C. (dB): Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: