How to Fortify Your Project Against Severe Weather Damage with Glass Block

Severe weather events are on the rise in North America. Recorded hurricanes, tornados, severe thunderstorms, and derecho activity have steadily increased in the past five years. These events are serious and have caused catastrophic damage to the commercial buildings, farmland, and residential properties stranded in the storms' paths. 

Glass Block and Daylighting

Throughout the history of architecture, creative methods of introducing natural light to interior spaces has been of central importance. Where greater land accessibility, height limitations, and limited availability of lighting resources once encouraged the integration of sprawling interior courtyards, modern design has evolved. 


Glass Block in Architectural Design: A North American Opportunity

Glass block is a reliable material that provides architects with infinite possibilities. With glass block, modern architects are creating residential and commercial designs that surpass today’s exacting standards for form, function, and style. For over one hundred years, Seves Glass Block  has provided builders, designers and architects around the globe with the best quality glass block available. This is because our commitment to innovative research, technology, and quality is continuous and unwavering.


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